The Trivia Scape Room

The Trivia Scape Room

The objective of the game is to escape from a predefined structure, in this case with the thematic of a bank. The player will be acting as a bank robber who is trying to escape before being caught by a sentient enemy dressed as a police officer. The player (or thief) can hear the alarm blaring and has to escape from the facility as soon as possible, without being caught by the police, which has already entered the bank and is already in his pursuit. The player is alone and has three options to escape, either with a helicopter located on the opposite side of the bank, a police van left on the bank’s garage, or by the main entrance door. To use any of these means to escape he first has to find additional parts to unblock these exits. The player collects these parts answering multiple-choices questions that assess her learning.

A companion web app was built using Javascript and Firebase, to be used by the teachers to upload their open subject questions for the game. The project was built with scalability in mind to make the project a starter for other students so it is highly encouraged that any students on different paths (business, psychology, or other computer science students), adopt this project and build on top it. The focus of the game is not to actively teach the player from scratch, it is a tool to learn the answer to specific questions or train for an exam.

Snapshot of the game

Watch the video


Alex Dickson A
Alex Dickson